Halim Malkoc born in 1917 around Bihac. He serve as an imam of Yugoslavian Kingdom Army during pre-war time. He actively helped the SS during theirs attempt to recruited Bosnian Moslems into their's ranks. He later joined with the new 13th SS Division and served as an imam. He became a vital instrument in puting down the mutiny of a ‘Handschar’ battalion in Villefranche-de-Rouergue, where he got the EK I for his action.
Malkoc was captured by Partisan in 1945. Later Military Court in Sarajevo sentenced him to 11 years in prison for his role to suppressed ‘Handschar’ mutiny in Villefranche-de-Rouergue. However, another military tribunal in Bihac gave him a death sentence on November 5, 1946. He was shot on February 8, 1947.
Copyright © 2006 by Nino Oktorino
I am from Bosnia, Bihac...Halim is my close relative..and I am proud of him...He fought for good resaons to protect muslim people in our country. His brother an d fother been killed by serb cetniks in village Jankovac nerby vilalge Pokoj..
ReplyDeleteHi Simpe Zulu, Thanks for sharing your story about him ...